Software News

Update Notes June 19 2024

Add a sample with URL to your audit and CAAT will open the individual web page in the background and perform automated accessibility tests. These tests identify potential errors, which then appear as suggestions in your manual test report.

Update Notes April 25 2024

Over the last few weeks, we have mainly been working on the new project views. In the future, it will be possible to manage several audits (manual and automated) together in one project. One of CAAT's principles is to offer a tool that is as flexible as possible for different workflows and situations. With the project views, CAAT will be able to be used for even more diverse tasks.

Update Notes April 11 2024

In the last few weeks we have made some changes again. In addition to major internal changes, we have been able to fix some bugs and improve user-friendliness.

Update Notes Februar 28 2024

With this update it is possible to import files with tests for multiple URLs from the axe-core CLI. Information on importing issues

We have also been able to fix some bugs.

Update Notes February 14 2024

With this update, we are continuing to prepare CAAT for new exciting functions.

The otherwise more technical changes are accompanied by a number of bug fixes in various parts of the application and the text editor.

Even the small changes can make day-to-day business more productive.

Update Notes January 17 2024

We are happy to release a long-awaited feature with this update: Issues now have a number unique to their test. This makes it easier for you to talk to your customers and colleagues about your test results.

The number is incremented over the course of a test. If you delete an issue, a gap remains in the sequence of numbers. This is how we ensure that yesterday's number 10 is tomorrow's number 10.

The same applies when copying a test: copied issues are not re-numbered. The numbering continues from where the previous test left off.

Update Notes January 10 2024

The first update of the year comes with some minor bug fixes and some usability improvements.

The name of the current test is now part of the document title. This makes it easier to distinguish when you have different tests open in several windows, e.g. to compare content.

Previously, it was in many places not possible to open links in a new browser tab using Ctrl + click or Cmd + click. This behavior has now been updated so that you can, for example, write an issue in a new tab and leave the list of previous issues open.

Update Notes Dezember 12 2023

With this update, users now have the option of copying tests and performing a retest, for example. When you copy a test in the project settings, all settings, test results and issues are transferred. You can then adjust settings and samples and check the previous test results; read our instruction article on copying tests for details.

The update also contains minor bug fixes.

Update Notes November 8 2023

This update brings two long-awaited changes to CAAT.

When an issue is created, the test step is automatically assessed as "failed". Until now, however, we have left it up to our users to correct this automatically set status if, for example, they discard an issue; from now on, the failure rating will be cancelled again if issues are deleted, moved to other test steps or the assignment of the sample is changed.

Secondly, we are introducing new statistics for test results with "metric groups". New groups can now be defined in your own inspection catalogues, for example to display an evaluation of the errors found by type of obstruction in the inspection report. Please feel free to share your feedback with us.

The update also includes minor usability and performance improvements.

Update Notes October 18 2023

This version contains several updates and improvements. We have added a title page to the new report design, changed the color of the application and introduced an option to filter checkpoints by open comments.